About Us

Green Mills Group, founded over 10 years ago, is a developer and owner of Affordable and Workforce housing communities. We are experts in all forms of housing subsidies.

Our Team


Develop best-in-class, sustainable affordable housing communities that improve peoples lives and enhance neighborhoods.


  •  Resident-Focused
  •  Environmentally Conscious
  •  Integrity, Always


To be the “go-to” developer of Affordable and Workforce housing in Florida.

Financial Expertise

Our team has managed the development and financing of multifamily and commercial real estate totaling over $1 billion in value. Green Mills’ development expertise includes public / private partnerships, public housing redevelopment, mixed-use, transit oriented development (TOD), senior housing, urban-infill and garden apartments. Our financing expertise includes various public and private funding sources, including but not limited to Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), Historic Tax Credits (HTC), HUD operating subsidies, taxable and tax-exempt municipal bonds, renewable energy subsidies, CDBG, HOME, Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Housing Authority Capital Funds and conventional debt and equity.

Green Initiatives

Green Certification building standards: NGBS / FGBC.

LED Lighting.

Over 75% of our communities feature solar arrays.

"Energy Star" rated appliances in all units.

Programmable thermostats in all units.

Low-flow water fixtures in all units.

Solar Power Generated (MWh)

Carbon Offset (tons)

Equivalent Trees Saved

Let’s Build Together.